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Great Teachers Build Great Institutions

Teachers are the foundations upon which great colleges and universities are built. The quality of education provided at an institution is directly related to the quality of its teachers.

Colleges and universities are finding it extremely challenging to identify quality teachers. Teaching positions at several new, small and medium sized institutions are often unfilled. As a result, students at these colleges and universities struggle to receive quality education. This leads to low student employability, which in turn leads to student dissatisfaction. This creates a downward spiral for the institution in the long term, ultimately leading to their eventual closure.

EduGuild’s founding principle is “Great Teachers Build Great Institutions”. We believe that teachers are the bedrock upon which great institutions and a modern society is built. Our teachers have many years of experience teaching and mentoring students to help them achieve success in their lives. We foster independence and creativity among our teachers to innovate on new and impactful teaching methods inside the classroom. Our teachers help our partner colleges and universities teach the most sought-after courses at their campuses without the institution having to incur additional costs.

If you are a teacher with several years of experience teaching, or if you are thinking about becoming a teacher, and if you are passionate about teaching, please click the button below to contact us for a rewarding career opportunity.

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