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Skills for the Modern Workplace

In an increasingly competitive world, a college degree is just not enough. Employers look for demonstrable skills and competencies to perform tasks in the modern workplace. While many colleges and universities conduct various academic courses geared towards these 21st century jobs, they seldom teach the skills and competencies required for succeeding in such jobs.

Many employers have recognized the gaps between the curriculums being taught at colleges and universities and the skills and competencies needed at the workplace. While many employers still list a college degree as a criteria in job advertisements, most often look at the skills and competencies of the candidate rather than just the college degree alone. This has led to companies conducting various tests and interviews to identify candidates who are most suited for various jobs.

As a result, many students often find it difficult to get a job despite spending huge amounts of money and significant number of years getting a college degree. The challenge facing these students is to ensure that they acquire the necessary skills needed for the modern workplace while they earn their college degrees.

EduGuild integrates the skills and competencies needed for the modern workplace into the curriculum of colleges and universities. By studying at one of our partner institutions, a student not only earns a degree, but also acquires the skills and competencies to succeed in the modern workplace.

Click the button to enquire about a EduGuild partner institution near your home.

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